8 CE Live Contact Hours & NCBTMB Approved
Washington State CE Approved
Time: 9a-6p
Location: Seattle
This 8 hour hands-on CE class is inspired by eastern Table Thai Yoga Massage* and blended with western stretch therapies (PNF & AIS) as well as the powerful healing affects of a hand-held percussion massager. The percussion massager provides deep and targeted percussive therapy to all types of soft tissue in the body and is the perfect tool for chronically tense muscles, scar tissue, adhesions and injuries of all kinds.
At the end of this class, you will be able to offer a one hour lubricant-free treatment consisting of table thai (including some active isolated stretching and passive positional release techniques) paired with the percussive massage that you can do with any client fully clothed on the massage table. This versatile fusion of techniques is perfect for use in sport massage, gyms & fitness facilities, group classes, and even traditional massage spaces where you may see your clients clothed or disrobed.
This easy and intuitive Thumb Saver class is designed for therapists in any level of experience to help save your thumbs and hands as well as expand your practice to include treatments appropriate for group and indoor/outdoor public events. Setup your table at sporting events, health fairs, or even at your favorite gym.
Reach more clients!
Many of our clients may still be hesitant to come see you in a typical enclosed office environment, however may be more receptive to seeing you in a more open space like a gym, outdoor venues, PT clinic, etc. The best part is they stay clothed so there's no issue with privacy and draping. You can collaborate with your fitness center, set up a popup location in full view of other gym goers and bam, instant client exposure.
You are not confined to an hour treatment, you can work with clients needing specific treatments in their problem areas or offer a comprehensive full body treatment too.
Off this series of assisted active isolated stretching technique (AIS), proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) and provide a superior foundation in the essentials for health and wellness. Introducing a consistent stretching regimen into your clients treatments is a game changer.
*This class incorporates effective traditional thai massage philosophies for deep and satisfying stretches while allowing the practitioner to keep both of your feet safely on the floor. The best part is is this routine doesn’t require a mat or special equipment and fits well with your existing table and massage spaces.
Percussion massager's will be supplied for student use in the classroom.
Simple! You will learn proper body mechanics to keep you safe and techniques designed to address all of your clients major muscle groups to:
-Increase mobility, ROM, & flexibility
-Reduce pain & stiffness
-Prevent injuries
-Decrease recovery time
-Release fascial restriction
-Treat joint pain
-Pre/Post Event Treatments
-Increase relaxation & decrease stress
Appeal to your busy clients by offering them a "Stretch Break" for 30 minutes on their lunch breaks or at the end of their workouts on location at the gym! 30 minutes in and out as you can be assessing and performing their health intake the moment they hit the table!
Your typical 60 minute treatment is usually 2 or more hours out of their schedule between your health intake, to disrobing, the treatment, and follow up self care instructions...BEST part is you won't even need to use sheets which saves you time and money.
All of these benefits as well as saving both your thumbs and back from the typical LMT's injuries and fatigue. In addition, you'll be carving out a special unique service to offer your existing and future clients.